industrial design


3D animation rendering modelmaking  developement construction illustration design sketching

art & music

interior & office

Küche & Tisch • kitchen & tabletop

mobile design airchitecture

Package design • Verpackung


Frank Kleist



YINKANA ~ Formfinder ~ Wortfinder ~ Trommler

 Diplom Industrial Designer ~ Produktgestalter ~ Marketier



 studierte 1978-1983 an der

Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Gestaltung in Pforzheim.

 war 1983-1995 für eine internationale Design Agentur in Stuttgart tätig.

 eröffnete sein eigenes Atelier 1995 in Rauenberg/Baden.

 war von 2000-2009 bei SAP Walldorf als Messe- und

 Design Manager fest angestellt.


 arbeitet jetzt wieder seit 5 Jahren mit eigenem Atelier.

 Zeichnen, Malerei, Skulptur, Bühnenbild, Video, Text, Komposition,

 Ausstellungsbeteiligungen, Konzerte, Platten- und Videoproduktionen.






kitchen & tabletop

package design

interior & office

Adhoc, wooden spicemills and stainless steel oil- and vinegar dispensers

Soda TNT, a returnable glass bottle for lemonade, the calebash- shape with two cutted, flat sides and a logo relief, can be sticked together for carrieing four bottles with a strap.


An upholstered furniture, may be as component system. Cocoonut is inspired by nature, self-explanatory, a geometric transformation of nutshell and pod.

With a few parts, you can build some loungy upholstery in different heights and widths. In the Illustration you see two different variations of legs,

the first is with circular bases and the second is with wooden, curved shape.


mobile design

art & music

I got the idea of an arch, built out of a wooden profile (structural shape). Two archs with connecting profiles build a unit. 25 of this units build the whole ground shape of the modular school. The units will be connected with additional profiles and are stable with walls out of bricks or concrete and will be filled up with others out of plywood.

The YINKANA RENAULT 4 bambou is an electric, four wheel drive, low tech vehicle for decentralized production. The chassis is a bamboo frame with titan connections. The car body is made out of bamboo plie wood pannels fixed to the frame.

Horsetail, looking for parallels between former times and now. Back then spirit of pioneers, mobility with sailing ships and trades. Today in the silicon valley of Germany scientific curiosity, ambition for new things. Worldwide production and trade powered by business

software from Walldorf.

Diplom Industrial Designer ~ Formfinder ~ Wortfinder

Trommler ~ Produktgestalter ~ Marketier





Frank Kleist

YINKANA ~ Formfinder

Wortfinder ~ Trommler




Talstraße 15

69231 Rauenberg

06222 61122



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